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UCLAN Portfolio
Oil Painting (Art)
This oil painting was for my current project in art - 'The Body'.
Oil Painting (Art)
This oil painting was for my current project in art - 'The Body'.
Oil Painting (Art)
This oil painting was for my current project in art - 'The Body'.
Oil Painting (Art)
This oil painting was for my current project in art - 'The Body'.
Jenny Saville Research Page (Art)
This artist research page is for my current project entitled 'The Body'.
Hans Bellmer Research Page (Art)
This artist research page is for my current project entitled 'The Body'.
Mike Dargas Research page (Art)
This artist research page is for my current project entitled 'The Body'.
Sculpture Project Board (Art)
This board displays some of my work towards a sculpture project in my first year at college.
Sculpture Project Board (Art)
This board displays some of my work towards a sculpture project in first year at college.
Final Piece (Textiles)
This final piece was for a project in textiles entitled 'Industrial Transitions'.
Final piece (Textiles)
This final piece was for a project in textiles entitled 'Deconstruct Reconstruct'
Sheila Hicks Research Page (Textiles)
This artsist research page is for my current project in textiles entitled 'Surface and Texture'.
Moodboard (Textiles)
This moodboard explores some of my initial ideas for my current project in textiles.
Coloured Pencil Drawing (Textiles)
This drawing is for my current project in textiles.
Photography (Graphics)
Photography for my current project in graphics about architecture.
Photography (Graphics)
Photography for my current project in graphics about architecture.
Photography (Graphics)
Photography for my current project in graphics about architecture.
Photography (Graphics)
Photography for my current project in graphics about architecture.
Magazine Page (Graphics)
This magazine page was for a proejct in my first year at college on politics and ethics.
Magazine Page (Graphics)
This magazine page was for a proejct in my first year at college on politics and ethics.
Magazine Page (Graphics)
This magazine page was for a proejct in my first year at college on politics and ethics.
Magazine Page (Graphics)
This magazine page was for a proejct in my first year at college on politics and ethics.
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